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Saturday, June 25, 2022

Sekolah Kesetaraan Terbaik - Paket A, Paket B, Paket C


Wajib Dibaca! Catatan Penting Yang Harus Kamu Ketahui!

§  HATI-HATI TERHADAP PENIPUAN yang mengatasnamakan PKBM MITRA DIKMAS CIMAHI, Kami tidak membuka cabang di Kota Lain, Pastikan anda menghubungi nomor yang benar!

§  Ujian Nasional HANYA diselenggarakan di Kota Cimahi, Bagi siswa/i dari Kota Cimahi,Jawa Barat atau luar kota WAJIB hadir selama 4 hari untuk mengikuti Ujian Nasional Berbasis Komputer (UNBK) dan Ujian Sekolah Atau Ujian Pendidikan Kesetaraan (UPK)

§  Pendaftaran dapat dilakukan di Kantor Pusat PKBM MITRA DIKMAS CIMAHI bisa cek di Google Map, atau jika kamu berada di luar Kota Cimahi, bisa mengirimkan melalui Jasa pengiriman seperti Pos, JNE, J&T dan lain sebagainya


Apa sih Ujian Kesetaraan Paket C ?

Ujian Kesetaraan adalah solusi bagi kita yang sudah berusia di atas usia sekolah namun ingin memiliki pengetahuan, kemampuan dan ijazah setara dengan SD, SMP atau SMA. Peserta kejar Paket A dapat mengikuti Ujian Kesetaraan SD, peserta Kejar Paket B dapat mengikuti Ujian Kesetaraan tingkat SLTP dan peserta Kejar Paket C dapat mengikuti Ujian Kesetaraan SMU/SMK/MA. Setiap peserta yang lulus berhak memiliki sertifikat (ijazah) yang setara dengan pendidikan formalnya.

§  Kejar Paket A adalah program pendidikan pada jalur nonformal setara dengan SD/MI bagi siapapun yang terkendala ke pendidikan formal atau memilih Pendidikan Kesetaraan untuk ketuntasan pendidikan. Pemegang ijazah Program Paket A memiliki hak eligiblitas yang sama dengan pemegang ijazah SD/MI

§  Kejar Paket B adalah program pendidikan pada jalur nonformal setara dengan SMP/MTs bagi siapapun yang terkendala ke pendidikan formal atau memilih Pendidikan Kesetaraan untuk ketuntasan pendidikan. Pemegang ijazah Program Paket B memiliki hak eligiblitas yang sama dengan pemegang ijazah SMP/MTs

§  Kejar Paket C adalah program pendidikan pada jalur nonformal setara dengan SMA/MA bagi siapapun yang terkendala ke pendidikan formal atau memilih Pendidikan Kesetaraan untuk ketuntasan pendidikan. Pemegang ijazah Program Paket C memiliki hak eligiblitas yang sama dengan pemegang ijazah SMA/MA.

Siapa Yang Boleh Daftar Paket C Kota Cimahi dan Ikut Ujian Kesetaraan?

Paket C Kota Cimahi bisa diikuti oleh siapapun dengan syarat sudah menyelesaikan jenjang SMP/MTs ataupun Paket B, Usia tidak dibatasi, Bisa itu siswa putus sekolah/drop out/dikeluarkan, tidak lulus ujian/tidak naik kelas atau siswa/i Homeschooling atau Sekolah Internasional bahkan juga Lulusan dari luar negeri. Ujian kesetaraan ini sangat cocok untuk karyawan/karyawati atau Kamu yang sudah bekerja karena waktu belajar yang flexible dan sistem belajar Online e-Learning yang ada di PKBM MITRA DIKMAS CIMAHI


Cara Daftar Paket C Kota Cimahi di PKBM MITRA DIKMAS Bagaimana?

Bagi yang berdomisili di Cimahi, KBB,Bandung dan Sekitarnya, Anda bisa langsung datang ke Kantor Pusat PKBM MITRA DIKMAS CIMAHI di Jl.Nanjung No.56 Rt.01/01 Kel.Utama Kec.Cimahi Selatan Kota Cimahi,Jawa Barat atau tidak sempat datang ke kantor, Pendaftaran bisa dilakukan online dan untuk berkas bisa dikirim via Kantor Pos atau Jasa Ekspedisi lainnya.

Bagaimana Proses Belajar di PKBM MITRA DIKMAS CIMAHI?

Pembelajaran di PKBM MITRA DIKMAS CIMAHI ada 2 Metode, E-Learning atau Belajar Online menggunakan Aplikasi dan Belajar Offline di Kantor Pusat PKBM MITRA DIKMAS CIMAHI, Setiap hari Senin Kamis & Sabtu Pukul 01.00 s/d 17.30, Selain itu siswa/i juga akan dibekali e-modul Kesetaraan Kemdikbud agar bisa mengulang secara mandiri di kediaman masing-masing.


Ayo Daftar Paket A, Paket B, Paket C di PKBM MITRA DIKMAS CIMAHI!

PKBM MITRA DIKMAS  adalah Sekolah Kesetaraan Resmi Penyelenggara Pendidikan & Ujian Kesetaraan Paket A, Paket B & Paket C yang beralamat di Jl.Nanjung No.56 Rt.01/01 Kel.Utama Kec.Cimahi Selatan Kota Cimahi 40533, Jawa Barat. Kami menerima pendaftaran siswa/i dari seluruh indonesia dan maupun dari luar negeri khususnya Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat. Jadi bagi kamu yang berada di  Kota Cimahi, Jawa Barat dan ingin mendaftar, kamu bisa menghubungi kami dengan “klik” salah satu tombol berikut, dan kamu akan otomatis terhubung dengan PKBM MITRA DIKMAS CIMAHI


Apa sih kelebihan daftar Kejar Paket A, Paket B, Paket C di PKBM MITRA DIKMAS CIMAHI?

§  Sistem Belajar E-Learning atau Belajar Online Menggunakan Aplikasi Khusus

§  Usia peserta didik tidak dibatasi

§  Sangat Cocok bagi yang sudah bekerja karena waktu belajar yang flexibel

§  Menerima siswa putus sekolah/drop out/tidak lulus ujian/tidak naik kelas.

§  Menerima peserta dari siswa homeschooling/sekolah internasional yang ingin memiliki ijazah Paket A, B atau C

§  Ijazah paket A dan Paket B bersifat resmi dan bisa digunakan untuk melanjutkan pendidikan

§  Ijazah paket C bersifat resmi dan bisa digunakan untuk melanjutkan kuliah atau kerja

§  Menerima pendaftaran peserta yang berasal dari seluruh indonesia

§  Menerima peserta berijazah asal luar negeri yang ingin mendapatkan ijazah Paket A, B atau C


Nah, tunggu apa lagi?!

Buat kamu yg ingin Daftar Paket C Kota Cimahi jangan sampai ketinggalan! Hal-hal lain dapat ditanyakan langsung ke PKBM MITRA DIKMAS CIMAHI.

Monday, February 4, 2019

Manifest (2018) The Series Full ONline HD


Watch FuLL :


After landing from a turbulent but routine flight, the crew and passengers of Montego Air Flight 828 discover five years have passed in what seemed like a few hours. As their new realities become clear, a deeper mystery unfolds and some of the returned passengers soon realize they may be meant for something greater than they ever thought possible.
  1. Creator



6.5/10 by 37 users
After landing from a turbulent but routine flight, the crew and passengers of Montego Air Flight 828 discover five years have passed in what seemed like a few hours. As their new realities become clear, a deeper mystery unfolds and some of the returned passengers soon realize they may be meant for something greater than they ever thought possible.

Alternative Titles命运航班
First Air Date2018-09-24
Last Air Date2019-01-28
Number of Episodes15
Number of Seasons1
GenresMystery, Drama,
CastsMelissa RoxburghJosh DallasAthena KarkanisJ.R. RamirezLuna BlaiseJack MessinaParveen KaurTim MoriartyVictoria CartagenaAlfredo Narciso

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Friday, August 31, 2018

Thursday, May 3, 2018


Washington Redskins cheerleaders were allegedly required to pose topless for a calendar photo shoot in front of spectators invited by the team.
Some of the cheerleaders were also asked to attend a nightclub event as escorts for some of the franchise’s sponsors, according to a report published by the New York Times.
The events allegedly unfolded during a week-long trip to Costa Rica in 2013 and while there were no reports of sex being involved, the cheerleaders admitted feeling as though the Redskins were “pimping us out.”
Members of the Washington Redskins cheerleaders perform during the Washington Redskins and New York Giants game at FedExField Stadium on November 29, 2015 in Landover, Maryland.ROB CARR/GETTY IMAGES

Washington Redskins Cheerleaders told to pose topless on trip to Costa Rica: Report

Washington Redskins cheerleaders wait in the tunnel before running out on the field against the Philadelphia Eagles at FedExField on September 9, 2013 in Landover, Maryland.

In 2013, when the Washington Redskins took their cheerleaders on a weeklong trip to Costa Rica, they were paid nothing other than transportation costs, along with food and lodging. But the New York Times reports some of the women who went to the photo shoot at the Occidental Grand Papagayo, an adults-only resort, were told to pose topless and others only wore body paint, even though the calendar would not show nudity.
The team also invited spectators. CBS Chicago reports the incident provides a look into how NFL teams use cheerleaders for more than sideline dancing during games.
A group of sponsors and suite holders from FedEx Field were granted "up-close" access to the photo shoot. All were men.
The cheerleaders told the newspaper they felt the team was "pimping us out." 
After the end of a 14-hour day that included posing and dance practices, some of them weren't finished.
Nine of the 36 cheerleaders were hand-picked to be "personal escorts" at a nightclub for some of the sponsors who made the trip, the newspaper reported.
According to the New York Times, the account of the Redskins' calendar shoot in Costa Rica was based on interviews with five cheerleaders involved. Many details were confirmed  with others who heard descriptions of the trip at the time. The cheerleaders, who were required to sign confidentiality agreements when they joined the team, spoke on condition of anonymity.
Dozens of current and former cheerleaders interviewed said they enjoyed performing at games and participating in charity work. But added they were disturbed by some of the "requirements" that put them in what they considered unsafe situations.
"They weren't putting a gun to our heads, but it was mandatory for us to go," one of the cheerleaders told the newspaper. "We weren't asked, we were told. Other girls were devastated because we knew exactly what she was doing."
"It's just not right to send cheerleaders out with strange men when some of the girls clearly don't want to go," one cheerleader who was there said. "But unfortunately, I feel like it won't change until something terrible happens, like a girl is assaulted in some way, or raped. I think teams will start paying attention to this only when it's too late."
The Redskins longtime director and choreographer Stephanie Jojokian denied much of how the trip was described, including that the nightclub event was mandatory.
"I'm the mama bear, and I really look out for everybody, not just the cheerleaders," said Jojokian. "It's a big family. We respect each other and our craft. It's such a supportive environment for these ladies."